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Sree Poornathreyeesa Temple

(Cochin Dewaswom Board)

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About Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple.

Sree Poornathrayeesa (The Lord is the family deity of the erstwhile Kochi dynasty ) Temple is one of the eminent temples in Kerala, situated in Tripunithura, at a distance of around 10 km to the southeast of Ernakulam, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, worshipped in the form of Santhanagopala Murthy. Here, Santhanagopalamoorthy means "savior of Infants" is an incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu. Lord Vishnu is seen here in a sitting posture under the shade of five hoods of Ananthan. This is a unique pose unlike the other Vishnu temples where the Lord is usually found in a reclining posture on the divine serpent, Anantha The folded body of the serpent itself serves as the seat for the God. The two upper hands of Lord Vishnu hold Sanku (conch) and Sudarshana Chakram (holy wheel) and the lower right hand holds the Padmam (Lotus flower).

The name Poornathrayeesa defined as follows , “thra" means three; 'poorna' means complete and 'isa' means Iswara which means the Lord of Knowledge, or the Lord of the Three Vedas – Rik, Yajus and Sama. It also means the Lord who manifests himself as the essence of the Vedas, who can be attained through inner saadhana. Traditions say that Lord Vishnu offered the idol of Sree Poornathrayeesa to Arjuna (the third of the five Pandava brothers), when he sought the help of the Lord to give rebirth to the ten children of a Brahmin. The ten children and the sacred idol were taken by Arjuna in his chariot and he handed over the children to the Brahmin. In memory of this event, a temple was built with a sanctum-sanctorum in the form of a chariot.Devotees can also have a look at the idol of Lord Ganapathi on the extreme south side of the sanctum-sanctorum. It must be noted that, besides the idol of Lord Ganesha, no other Upadevatas are worshipped at Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple.